July was quite a whirlwind for me. I got back from my trip to England and just couldn't seem to catch up. Don't summers tend to go that way, though? Best just to enjoy it and go with the flow.
England was such a wonderful place to visit. Tony and I went there for his sister's wedding, and it was so nice being able to spend time getting to know her better and meeting more of Tony's family. Of course, we managed plenty of other mischief while we were there.

I drank plenty of tea. Earl Grey. Hot. I've been a heavy tea drinker since I was a kid, so I was in heaven in the land of tea. (The coffee drinkers in the group were less than enamoured of the ubiquitous instant coffee, though.)

Perhaps I drank a bit too much tea. You are what you eat, er, well, drink.

The wedding was out in the country, so Tony and I spent some time traipsing around British forests. They're spooky and wonderfully different than the forests in Oregon.

In London, we didn't bother to see Big Ben and only walked past Buckingham Palace, but we made certain to see Sherlock Holmes' aparment. We have our priorities.

We also took a day trip to see some of the sights around the rest of England, like the cathedral in Bath, where this happened:

Tony proposed! (And I said yes, of course.)
A million thanks to Tony's cousin for being on hand with a camera. It's good to know I'll be marrying into a family of shutterbugs. I'm sure I'll fit right in.